30 July Company news Phone number change 2021-07-30 By incent marketing Ezúton tájékoztatunk Titeket, hogy a TELEFONSZÁMUNK MEGVÁLTOZOTT! Ha szeretnétek velünk ... Continue reading
23 July Company news Does it not start, freezes, warms up? 2021-07-23 By incent marketing Ha ilyen, vagy ehhez hasonló problémákba ütközöl laptopoddal, vagy asztali gépeddel kapc... Continue reading
16 July Company news Are you looking for a fast machine for home or office, but want to get away with taking up little space? 2021-07-16 By INTEC PC MISKOLC Our HP EliteDesk 800 G2 DM machine is the right solution! It's an absolutely tiny machine, so it's scarce... Continue reading
12 July Company news The weather is warming up again, don't forget to take care of cooling! 2021-07-12 By INTEC PC MISKOLC As the temperatures rise again, it doesn't hurt to pay attention to properly cooling... Continue reading
09 July Company news Laptop for work or home? 2021-07-09 By INTEC PC MISKOLC Our Lenovo T450 machine is a good choice, as it copes with work without difficulty, it... Continue reading
07 July Company news Are you starting school now? Do you need an easy-to-carry laptop? 2021-07-07 By incent marketing Choose the Lenovo L530! This is... Continue reading
01 July Company news Would you like to be seen in your conversations, at conferences, or are you thinking about starting a stream setup? 2021-07-01 By INTEC PC MISKOLC With us, you can solve even all the options, as we still have a few pieces of the highly successful webcam... Continue reading
17 June Company news Are you also suffering from EB fever? 2021-06-17 By INTEC PC MISKOLC With our HP EliteBook G1 laptop, you won't miss a single game. HD+ resolution... Continue reading
03 May Internet news Is AMD winning? 2021-05-03 By incent marketing The competition between the two arguably largest processor manufacturing companies continues. AMD and In... Continue reading
21 July Internet news What are DLL files and what errors can they cause? 2020-07-21 By INTEC PC MISKOLC Many people have encountered the problem when a program gives the user an error message instead of running... Continue reading